Welcome to The Post and Rail online nursery.
We’re located in Compton, near Mount Gambier in South Australia and we are a grower direct nursery. Meaning we grow our plants from scratch and sell direct to you, our fellow plant lovers!
They’re in 14cm pots unless otherwise stated.
We’re crazy, passionate plant lovers and you’ll find many rare and unusual plants on offer and many more to come. Wondering why our plants are such good value? When you buy from us, you are buying direct from the grower. No middle man, no on selling.
We guarantee our plants to you. We really want to cultivate (sorry about the garden pun) a great relationship with you and it’s important for us that you feel confident in ordering from us.
We are also very aware, we’re sending live plants via the post and we’ll be very selective about when we send your plants to avoid high heat condtitions. We ask that you reach out to us if you have any problems and we’ll do our best to find a solution.
Postage is calculated at $12.50 per order plus $2.50 per plant.
We are different to other online plant suppliers because our plants are bigger and more established in their pots, so they weigh more and take up more space.
I only wish we could meet you in person and give you a big hug and squeeze for being our customer.
Happy Gardening Lovelies. xx Cindy