Hello, I’m Cindy Bunt!
Loads of fun and shenangans!
I’m a lover of food and growing produce and art.
My methods are always simple, efficient and fun. I am a bit of a rebel when it comes to rules and because of this, I have found wonderful and easy ways of gardening, making, preserving, & enjoying food and painting.
My aim and philosophy is to help people connect with seasonal growing & cooking. To share the knowledge and passion that I have and also the time saving tips, short cuts and methods which bring us all back to the connection to the seasons. It’s all about flavour and you just can’t beat the taste of home grown produce.
I run a hands on cooking, gardening and art school, an online school for teaching these classes, a You Tube Channel, Facebook Page, Pinterest and Instagram.
I can’t begin to tell you how amazing it feels to help people discover the joy of cooking from scratch. Food that you’ve just plucked off a tree, or dug up and turn into something delicious and simple. It is the BEST!
I hope I can help you to make something from scratch or grow something in your garden. Feel free to leave a comment or follow me on social media as I absolutely love connecting with like minded people!
I love sharing my methods of painting as well. If you’ve never painted before and don’t think you’re artist, you are my perfect person. I was you, 5 years ago. That’s why I get so excited to be the one that gets to help you started. It’s easier than you think and in most of my art classes, 90% of the people haven’t touched a paint brush before (maybe painting a bedroom wall). If this is you, then I can’t wait to get my hands on you. To me, it’s a skill to learn more than a natural born talent.
xx Cindy