Tagetes lemmonii
Imagine a metre-wide mound of golden yellow, alive with the buzzing of bees and colourful butterfly wings.
Imagine a plant that loves heat and sun, copes with drought, will survive a light frost, and can be in flower for up to ten months of the year.
That dream is a reality with the Mexican marigold. Crush the leaves and wait for the delicious passionfruit/mango aroma fill the air.
Imagine a metre-wide mound of golden yellow, alive with the buzzing of bees and colourful butterfly wings.
Imagine a plant that loves heat and sun, copes with drought, will survive a light frost, and can be in flower for up to ten months of the year.
That dream is a reality with the Mexican marigold. Crush the leaves and wait for the delicious passionfruit/mango aroma fill the air.
Imagine a metre-wide mound of golden yellow, alive with the buzzing of bees and colourful butterfly wings.
Imagine a plant that loves heat and sun, copes with drought, will survive a light frost, and can be in flower for up to ten months of the year.
That dream is a reality with the Mexican marigold. Crush the leaves and wait for the delicious passionfruit/mango aroma fill the air.