Easy Guide to Making Sourdough Bread

If you've ever delved into the art of baking sourdough bread, you know it can feel a little like navigating a maze. When should I feed my starter? How long do I leave the dough to rise? Do I have to cook a loaf of bread immediately after making the dough?

Don't worry, you're not alone! To make the journey a whole lot more enjoyable, I've designed two handy and completely free sourdough flow charts to guide you every step of the way. The first flow chart will take you through the process of making a loaf of sourdough bread from beginning to end. From how long you should leave your dough to rise if you've made it in the morning to how long premade dough needs for its second rise after being stored in the fridge overnight.

The second flow chart is designed to hold your hand when it comes to making and feeding your sourdough starter. I take you through all the ins and outs of recognising if your starter is active or dormant, what to do to revive a dormant starter and how long you need to wait before baking with a starter that has been stored in the fridge.

If you're a visual learner like I am, these flow charts are a game changer when it comes to making sourdough bread. Stick them on your fridge or in the kitchen drawer and pull them out when you come to a crossroads and need a hand to hold and guide you through the maze. If you would like even more guidance, why not download my free Sourdough for Beginners Course (click below to download)? I'll teach you what steps you can skip, where to find the wiggle room and how to measure in quantity instead of down to the gram.

If you would like me to hold your hand in person (I promise I won't actually hold your hand!), why not attend one of my sourdough onsite classes? I hold Sourdough and Gluten Free Sourdough classes every few months, but be quick, because they sell out fast! If you can’t make it to one of my onsite classes, download my free Sourdough for Beginners Course below.

Happy baking!

Cindy Bunt

Owner of The Post and Rail.  A Cooking, Gardening and Art School in Comtpon, South Australia.  


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