3 things to do with Blood Plums

Blood Plums are Amazing!

Of all the stone fruit, you can count on them to produce every year. Most of the time Apricots, Peaches and Nectarines will crop bi-annually so one year you get hundreds and the following year you might get 6.

Blood Plums aren’t like that. Every year they are loaded! My favorite are Satsuma and Mariposa and you need two different varieties to cross pollinate.

For the Upside down blood plum version of the Grandpa’s Cake, Simply make the cake batter and before you pour it into the tin, fill the bottom layer with halved blood plums. Bake for 45-50 mins and then invert when done. It’s a favourite!

Cindy Bunt

Owner of The Post and Rail.  A Cooking, Gardening and Art School in Comtpon, South Australia.  


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