When Life Gives You Lemons


When your Lemon Tree is loaded and groaning with fruit, this Lemon Squash Recipe comes to the rescue. I love the simplicity of measuring and how it can be scaled up depending on how many lemons you have.

With just 3 ingredients, it’s perfect for making a big batch of Lemon Squash concentrate. Just mix with Soda Water as you would a cordial and you too, could have a delicious, proper lemon flavoured, thirst quenching drink. This preserve lasts for at least 6 months, unopened.

- Clean your Lemons and select 1/2 (the best skinned ones) to zest before cutting all of them in half and juicing.

- You can measure your juice or use the amount you have in your container as your guide.

- Tip the Juice and the zest in a Pot and measure the same amount of water as you had juice.

- Add that to the pot.

- Now measure the same amount in volume as you had juice for the sugar.

- Add that to the pot. - Now put on a high heat and stir for a minute until the sugar dissolves.

- Boil for 3 minutes.

- Ladle into clean and dry bottles to within 1/2 cm from the very top of the jar.

- Ladle all the mix then put the lids on firmly and turn upside down for 3 mins. (this sterilizes the air in the jar and the lid)

- Allow to cool and store in the pantry or cupboard for 6 months.

USES: Enjoy as a Lemon Squash drink by mixing with soda water and ice. It also makes a delicious Gelato Base, Frappe slushy drink blitzed with ice and water.