Beetroot & Gin Cured Salmon Gravalax
Beetroot & Gin Gravalax.jpg

Who would have thought that introducing Salmon to Beetroot, Gin and Dill would be so divine?


2 x pieces of Salmon, skin on (there’s a thick end and thin end)

1/3 cup of good salt (like Murray River Pink Salt)

1/3 cup of brown sugar

1 shot of Good Gin (do lots of taste testing!)

1 Bunch of Dill, chopped finely

1 x small Beetroot, grated


Grate the Beetroot, chop the dill and add everything but the Salmon into a bowl to combine.

Sprinkle half of the mix into a flat baking dish and place the Salmon flesh side down onto the mix.

Top with the rest of the mix and put a layer of cling film over the top.

Next find a plate or other baking dish or tin to sit on top so that you can put a couple of tins of food to use as a weight. (like tin of chick peas or whatever)

Put in the fridge for 24 hours.

Rinse off and dry with paper towel. You can use it immediately or it stores for up to a week wrapped in cling film and in the fridge.

To serve, put skin side down and slice thin slivers of the now firm salmon flesh. Using the skin as a stopping point. (don’t eat the skin)

I served mine on toasted bruschetta with lemony Aioli, lettuce and cucumber.

Let me know how you would serve it?

xx Cindy

I have a Secrets of Seafood Cooking class coming up where me make this dish, along with Ceviche and other delightful delicacies.

The Secrets of Seafood Class

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